Sunday, November 24, 2013

Affects of Periodic Trends

Affects of Periodic Trends

-the strength an atom has to attract a bonding pair of electrons to itself

-the difference in the electronegativity of the atoms decides the type of bonds
  • a greater difference forms an ionic bond
  • while a small difference forms a covalent bond

A video describing the attraction between two atoms

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Valence Electrons


-the outer shell of electrons of an atom

-they can share (covalent bonding) or transfer (ionic bonding) to another atom in order to create an octet, make the atom more stable

-Ionic Bond:

-Covalent Bond:

Covalent Bondings


-The bonding between two non-metals that end with the sharing of an electron


  • low melting and boiling points
  • flammable
  • cannot conduct electricity
  • does not dissolve in water

-How to Name a Covalent Bond

  • add the fitting prefix to the beginning of each non-metal
(the prefix depends on the number of atoms)

  • replace the last syllable of the second non-metal with -ide

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ionic Bondings


-a chemical bonding between a metal and non-metal. 

through this process, a transfer of electrons takes place between the elements. 

                             the metal loses the electron and the non-metal gains the electron.

-Properties of Ionic Bonds:

  • high boiling and melting points
  • hard and brittle
  • conduct electricity in water
  • dissolves easily in water

-There are two different types of ionic bonding; those with transition metals and  those without.

Naming the bonds are simple:
Ionic Bonds Without Transition Metals
  • first, write the name of the metal first and then the non-metal.
  • then replace the last syllable of the non-metal with -ide

Ionic Bonds With Transition Metals
  • ionic bonding with transition metals (or lead and tin)are named the same way, BUT the charge of the transition metal is place in parenthesis and written in Roman numerals